
Who is the biggest liar in the world?

In my previous post, I talked about “Is lying the unkinder thing?” In this post, I’m going to talk about the biggest liars in the world. You may have not seen or think about the people who are liars at an extent of their life. I once saw movie named “The Prestige” in which people were living a fake life for the sake of their prestige or name. People were sacrificing their lives, their feelings, their emotions, their families and everything only for their prestige. I’ve seen many people in today’s world who are still living a fake life for the sake of their prestige or name. But, have you ever seen people living a fake life for others? A very few people I’ve seen in my life who are not what they look but they are kind. These kind of people live for other’s happiness. In India, many communities use their surname/family name represented as their karma. Few communities have their surnames called as sacrifice. But, in the today’s world that’s just a surname for many and for many the

Is lying the unkinder thing in the world?

Lie, whenever we see the word, many negative memories come to our mind. Yes! Lying is really bad and we should say truth, this is we are taught from the childhood. Here, I’m going to talk about the kind and unkind nature of lying to everyone. When I was a child, I had phobia of very hard punishments and so I lied a lot to parents, friends and teachers. Everyone would speak about saying truth so one day I decided to say truth always. One day I switched on the button of the water filter when there was a work in progress which was already done. I didn’t know about it, my dad asked who switched on the water filter, I accepted and said me. He shouted aloud too much so that I was shocked and horrified. Sometimes the reactions to the truth are really bad. But truth is peaceful as you don’t need to remember anything and your mind relax immediately. There is no alternate to truth! Truth is real! Whenever we speak a lie, we try to hurt someone, steal something or whatever the reason, we

Birds are very kind like humans! Can you imagine?

Humans are kind. Humans are emotional, sensitive to others. Humans have feelings. But, have you ever seen birds showing this behavior! I met with a little incident which proved me that little birds are very sensitive and kind, they are possessive for their similar ones. It’s the weather which is changing and so birds are preparing for winter these days. Windows of my house are covered with Z-black film so when the light comes from one side then nothing is visible on the other side than its own image. This film helps cool down temperature during summer. On one morning, I was doing Yoga and I heard sound of something hitting on my window after every few seconds. I noticed a little bird there and he/she (Can’t say 😂) was going away from the window and was trying to hit harder with her little body by flying in speed. I couldn’t understand this so I opened the window from one side. The little bird flew away and after some time started hitting on the other half of the window. I got

How did kindness touch the heart of an old man?

Our destiny takes us where we are destined to go but sometimes people come across our path to help and change our destiny, no matter what our age is? When I started working with Startapp Global in Faridabad, I got a security guard for our office. He is a thin, skinny old man who is always available for any task either to purchase something from market or to prepare for tea. He is always available with very polite voice and smiling face. I always like to talk to him politely and whenever we plan for having some snacks, I ask him to bring from the market and I always include him in that treat. He always worked very hard and always ready to go beyond his duty. I thought, why he does the job in the old age? Many times, at the end of the month he asked me for very small amount of money as his salary day would be late or he needs it for some personal work. I didn’t ever ask for why he needs it, I always gave him whatever he want. Many times, I forget but he come and return me the bo

Do you want to wear less than 24 carat gold?

Everyone is running for their desires. Desires for luxury life, desires to earn more, desires to show off, desires to live their own way. We meet many people daily and most of the time people even forget to wear that fake smile. Hmm sounds unkind words!! 😊 Yeah! I’m going to tell you shortly. We meet people, we give help and get help. Many people cross our paths for some reason. Today, to get the desired life, people have forgot to be kind and started to use others. Many of us don’t even care for other’s feelings. So how can we wear 24 carat gold? In this fast running world, people are running for the things and to get things they treat people like steps. Sometimes they use people and when they don’t need people in their lives, they just kick them out. Have you ever felt that? My dad once said that if people are getting inferior 23 carat gold then we shouldn’t be like 22-23 carat gold and we must remain 24 carat gold. The world is changing and people are adding impurities to the

What If Kindness Becomes A New Trend?

Everyday everyone is fighting some war in the world. Someone is running for more money, someone is for food, someone for a big car, another one for a little shelter, someone for light, another one for time. Everyone wants to get something or do something for itself. The world is draining of resources at a large pace, I’m not talking about money or food but about the humanity. What happened to us, someone somewhere is fighting its own war to survive and we are fighting for ego, jealous, impatience or hate and desires. Today I’m thinking if kindness becomes a trend in us then what would happen to this draining world. When I first meditated in 2013, I got to know the power of mind. During that period, I realised that the unkindest people needs much more kindness and they have more power to spread kindness. Whenever someone is sad, angry, jealous, hatred or unkind he spread lots of vibes and nearby people are affected. We become excited in just a moment. When I started meditating, I

What happens, when kindness becomes love!

Love is kind, I’ve heard it many times, but kindness can be transformed to love, I’m feeling first time in my life. One day me and my dad were sitting together, and I asked a question, “What happens to those who are blind, do they get married?”. My dad replied, “They sometimes don’t get married or get married with some other person having different disability. But there are few good people are there who marry some person with disability”. I was curious for finding further on this question came in my mind. I immediately started searching for people who get married to some person with visual impairment. I found a website named as “imilap” and looked at people. There I saw a girl having visual impairment, and I don’t know why but I felt too much kindness for her. I wanted to help her in any way and wanted to give lot of blessings. That day before sleeping I did meditation and asked God to bless her with lots of happiness.  After that day, many times I thought about her and tho